The dating industry has changed beyond belief in the last ten years; the stigma associated with using a third party to find love has all but evaporated and we are spoilt for choice when it comes to dating apps and websites. However, do you remember before the internet when single people went to dating agencies? Well, the dating agency option definitely hasn't gone away. Now more commonly known as 'Matchmaking Agencies' or 'Introduction Agencies' they tend to target their service towards busy professionals. Despite the plethora of options, more Londoners are opting for the personal approach to meeting a life partner than ever before and here's why:
We Londoners are busy; we work hard and play hard. It makes sense to outsource any part of our lives that someone else can do more efficiently than ourselves. Weeding out the time wasters requires hours of effort. A third of men on Tinder have never been on a single date with someone they met there, despite their best effort. For most professionals time is valuable and best spent either earning money or enjoying it.
Photo by maselkoo99/iStock / Getty Images
81% of people tell fibs in their online profile; the three biggest porkies being age, height and size. The trouble is if everyone else is lying then it's hard not to join in since everyone is being so directly compared and filtered. A reputable matchmaker will have met everyone in their network, so even if they don't take a tape measure along to the meeting, it's hard to get away with being 6ft if you're only 5ft 6.
Did she like me? Will he call me? Did I offend her when I tapped her bottom? (yes!). Your matchmaker can answer all these questions so there's no more second guessing or reading between the lines. Your date will have been vetted to ensure they're not in the business of playing games anyway.
Using websites and apps for dating purposes is well and truly in the mainstream but there will always be some people who don't want their profiles in the public domain. It's a small world out there and there is always a chance of virutally bumping into clients, colleagues, employees or exes. For some, especially senior professionals or people in the public eye, this isn't an option. If this is you or that's the kind of person you're looking to meet then a matchmaker might be the answer.
Now, this all sounds very anti-online dating, Little Black Book would like to stand up and say we are absolutely not against it. In fact if you're serious about meeting someone, do everything you can. Unless your dream date delivers pizza, Mr or Mrs Right is not going to knock on your door! So get online if you can, go out whenever possible and get yourself a professional matchmaker!
Little Black Book is an extended network of friends offline. If you'd like to be introduced to the love of your life by a friend, please get in touch and join our network.