Little Black Book

A Personal Matchmaking Service

0207 993 8160

 A quick word from our founder and lifelong matchmaker, Kate:

I have always been a matchmaker, even when I wasn't if that makes sense.  Whenever I meet someone single I immediately start flipping through my internal rolodex looking for the perfect match.  I can't help myself.  Sometimes I have to reign myself in and wait to be asked for help but I love it when I am asked.   Here are just a handful of my success stories.



"Kate set me up on a blind date about 10 years ago. She knew a guy that had scruffy hair, wore Hawaiian shirts and was twice my height that she said was perfect for me...?! I wasn't sure, she was sure, and after a little perseverance and a lot of reassurance from Kate, I agreed. She asked me how the date was, I blushed and a wedding and two small people later we're happily married. 

Kate has an instinct about who you will get along with, even if on paper (or a computer screen) it doesn't look right. Her sense of humour  coupled with her ability to put you at ease ("what's the worse that can happen?") allows her to filter the information she needs to find you a perfect match .  We've nicknamed her 'The Weaver', as she's able to elaborately entwine people together. 

Whenever I see Kate my first question is always "How many now?", meaning how many couples has she got together, it's a lot…"

Lara - Dulwich


I'd been single for about 5 years and frankly had given up! Being busy with work and hanging out with married friends and family, meant that I had switched off from 'looking' to meet someone. Kate gave me the push I needed and followed it up with encouragement and confidence.  With her help I met Mark and we've been together and happy for 6 months already!  Kate was right, you don't know what's around the corner but you certainly need to go looking for it.  

Thanks so much Kate, I really hope I don't need your services again but I highly recommend you to anyone, if they're serious about wanting to meet someone.  

Hannah - Chiswick 


"I was 30, perennially single and having no luck in the dating game, so Kate offered to set me up. Even at that stage, she had something of a reputation as a successful matchmaker so I figured 'what the hell' and went for it. 

Clearly matchmaking is way more art than science. So I met a couple of different girls, had great fun, but there was no real chemistry. Kate persisted though and was clearly finding out more about me and learning from my feedback.  I'm happy to report that it was very much third time lucky! Just over 3 years later, Kate and her husband  were guests at our wedding.   I would normally dismiss this as luck but we are one of a number of couples that Kate has set up who have ended up married. So clearly she is doing something right and has something of a 6th sense! "

Dylan - Earlsfield


Many moons ago I was living the single life and was always on the look out for the right man.  Sadly I lacked the ability to pick the right ones but thankfully Kate didn't.

I was trying my hand at matchmaking, between two friends.  However,  Kate intuitively knew I was wrong about the  couple I had in mind.  Thankfully she stepped in with a better suggestion for my male friend. It was me! I hadn't realised what I needed and what's more he was  right in front of me.  It instantly felt obvious and a week later we were officially dating. 12 years on we are married and parents to a fabulous son. Thanks Kate! 

Sarah - Wimbledon